RiverCulture Letters of Support

Dear Montague Town Meeting Member,

Thank you for reviewing the RiverCulture transition plan. I appreciate your consideration for a one time appropriation. This gap funding will allow me to expand programming into the five villages of Montague and take advantage of the benefits that come along with the new Turners Falls Cultural District. Theses letters come from different points of view and can be viewed together as a testament to the importance of the Arts, and the progress we have made as a community. 

John Howland, President and CEO of Greenfield Savings Bank)
Pat Fernandez, Accounting Manager at Judd Wire
Erin MacLean and John McNamara owners of Loot
Janel Knockleby, DCR
Sarah Doyle with The Friends of the Discovery Center
Monte Belmonte, Shea Theater Arts Center
Pam Allan of the Montague Cultural Council
Oliver Miller, Downtown Business Owner
Beth Bazler at FirstLight Power
Diane Dix and David Brule of the The Nolumbeka Project
Linda Ackerman, Eileen Dowd and Holly Givens of the The Montague Business Association.

If you have any questions or comments, please call.
Very Best,
Suzanne LoManto
Director of RiverCulture

Posted in RiverCulture.